Mindtune Logo

Quiet Your Mental Critic. Reconnect To Your TRUE Self.
Achieve Your Greatest Results With a Business Coach.

Step Beyond Your Stagnant Trajectory With a Business Coach

At some point between childhood and adulthood, you changed. You adapted to fit the mold of the world around you. Your authenticity faded and your mind blurred with tension, anxiety and unnecessary thoughts. Mindtune coaches you, in a very simple way, how to restore that clear and capable mind.  You bring something truly unique to the world. This is your superpower! At Mindtune, we help you bring that marvelous potential to the surface. Once there, success at home and work naturally follow.

Marco Lopez, CEO of Mindtune

Meet Our Founder

I am Marco Lopez, founder and CEO of Mindtune.

All over the world I meet people who want to connect to and express their uniqueness as human beings, but they’re stuck! They find themselves going with the flow, giving in to outside pressures, not really listening to their authentic desires. The truth is, they don’t know HOW. . . This was me!  

How did I change my trajectory? I knew I had more meaningful contributions to make in the world than what I was giving. I know I’m not alone in these thoughts. After years in the competitive business field, I created Mindtune to support people like you in creating results you never thought possible. Don’t hesitate! Make a decision to stop catering to others’ opinions. Follow your inner guide and go after what you really want! 

Mindtune Keynote Concerts

Expect a unique blend of music and inspirational messages performed by Marco Lopez, the founder of Mindtune. These emotionally-impactful journeys reinforce our core principles, entertain and awaken new levels of self-awareness. 


Landon Hasson

“I believe Marco is leading the field in unlocking human potential by silencing unnecessary noise in the mind and helping people to make critical decisions from the space of a calm mind - a mind at peace.”

Landon Hasson - Business Owner

Complete Home Solutions

Clients We've Served

Bosch Logo
Mary Kay Logo
Volvo Logo
J.P. Morgan Logo
Johnson & Johnson Logo
Expedia Travel Logo
Kimberly-Clark Products Logo
Natura Logo

The Perfect Program to Fit Your Schedule

What you get from a Mindtune Coaching

One-on-One Coaching

Mindtune offers weekly or monthly virtual one-on-one coaching sessions, in-person workshops, and keynote concerts to help you define what YOU really want and develop the practical skills to stay focused. 

Group Coaching

Mindtune offers a 24-week transformational experience: international retreats, online coaching and live events, keynote concerts, and ongoing support from empathetic mentors and friends.

Deep-Dive Business Workshops:
Two Days to Transformative Mindtuning

In two days, experience collective learning and transformative insights for improved results and self-awareness. Generally held at our headquarters in Utah Valley, UT, these workshops provide a concentrated exploration of Mindtune's teachings.

Thriving Together!
Join Us in Celebrating With Our Clients:


“I doubled my income within 6 months of working with Mindtune.”

Dana Shepard, Founder
Concrete On Site Express

" Mark

“This training - it’s been empowering. It’s been a breakthrough for me. It’s helped me to do something I didn’t think I could do before.”

Joey Nelson
KDK Construction

" Mark

“I would highly recommend Marco to another business owner, entrepreneur, anybody who feels like they want something more from their life.”

Sean Knudsen

Mindtune's Worldwide Impact

Presented in 14 countries

Map of the world
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United States

Mexican Flag


Canadian Flag


Brazil Flag


Flag for


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Swiss Flag


South American Country Flag


French Flag


Group 429


Italian Flag




yellow red flag


Tune Your Mind;
Live in Harmony With Your Truest Self

I want to help! You CAN have what you want.
Higher levels of happiness and enthusiasm ARE possible for you.
Life is short. This is something you can create if you are WILLING to go after it!